7 Benefits of Purchasing a Small Charcoal Making Machine

There are so many uses for charcoal. That is why the demand for charcoal keeps growing every year. It is, however, not easy to make high-quality charcoal on your own. Purchasing a small charcoal making machine can help you produce charcoal of consistent quality. There are more benefits to investing in a small charcoal maker.

1. It is Portable

A small charcoal making equipment (máquina de carbonización montado sobre patines) is portable. You can, therefore, use your vehicle to transport it. If you need to make charcoal in a remote location, you can just carry your charcoal maker to that location. You will never have to transport the waste raw materials. By the way, it is more expensive to transport the waste raw materials.

2. It is Affordable

It is easy to find affordable charcoal makers on the market. In fact, there are so many manufacturers of charcoal making equipment. You will just compare these manufacturers to find an affordable manufacturer. But you must make sure you are buying your charcoal maker from a reputable and trustworthy manufacturer.

máquina de carbonización montado sobre patines

máquina de carbonización montado sobre patines

3. It is Easy to Operate

You only need basic training to operate your charcoal maker. You do not need to spend so much money on intensive training or hiring a specialist to train your operator. Additionally, your manufacturer can train your operator. The manufacturer (Recuperación de Beston Group) may not charge you to train your operator. This can save you more money.

4. It is Eco-Friendly

The Governments of many countries are focusing on protecting our environment. That is why there are tax breaks for eco-friendly businesses. Investing in small charcoal making equipment does not contribute to environmental pollution. It can help reduce your carbon footprint. You might even get tax breaks for your eco-friendly business.

5. It Produces Charcoal of Consistent Quality

Producing charcoal of consistent quality can help you attract more customers. People are loyal to businesses that have high-quality products. You will, therefore, have more loyal customers. However, you need to look for the highest quality charcoal making machines (costo de la planta de pirólisis de biomasa). They usually have a long service life.

6. It Has a Long Lifespan

Charcoal manufacturing equipment can serve your business for a long time because of its long lifespan. So, you will not spend more money on replacing your machine. You will just use the same machine for a long time. It is also cheap to maintain this machine. This means you will make more money over the long term.

7. It is More Convenient

It is more convenient to use a small charcoal manufacturing machine (https://www.bestoneco.com/bst-10-maquina-para-hacer-carbon-vegetal-enviado-a-finland/). It is easy to move it around. It is also small, so you can store it indoors. You can also use the machine to convert a wide range of materials into useful end products. You do not have to invest in multiple machines. However, you need to purchase a quality machine.

These are the benefits of purchasing a small charcoal making machine. A charcoal maker can help you grow your business. However, you need to look for the highest-quality machines for sale. Highest-quality machines are cheap to maintain and have a long service life. It is advisable to get your machine from a reliable company.

How Can a Plastic Pyrolysis Plant Make Combustible Fuel

A plastic pyrolysis plant is an industrial-scale facility for the thermal decomposition of plastic materials in an oxygen-free environment. It works by heating pieces of plastic in the absence of oxygen. Without oxygen present in the environment, a high-temperature process of pyrolysis occurs which rapidly breaks down the bonds connecting polymers and monomers in the plastic material.

This process ultimately produces liquid and gaseous compounds that are subsequently cooled and filtered through a condensate system to form gasoline, diesel fuel, charcoal, and other byproducts. Waste plastic pyrolysis machines are becoming increasingly popular as they represent an efficient and cost-effective method for recycling large volumes of post-industrial or post-consumer plastic waste.

Benefits of using a plastic pyrolysis plant

Leveraging the benefits of a waste plastic and tyre pyrolysis plant is an innovative approach to reducing environmental impact and contributing to a cleaner world. Plastic pyrolysis plants recycle plastic into usable energy, eliminate landfill waste, and reduce carbon emissions by taking carbon from the atmosphere and making it reusable.

The technology takes single-use plastics and converts them into valuable resources such as fuel oil, hydrocarbon gas, and carbon black. With this equipment, not only are plastics being reused more efficiently than ever before but their lifecycle is also being extended. Additionally, this investment means that businesses can save costs associated with plastic disposal while effectively meeting sustainability goals in the process.

Use Pyrolysis Technology to make Fuel Oil from Waste Plastic

Tips for maintaining your plastic pyrolysis plant

Keeping your plastic pyrolysis plant in top working order is essential for getting the most out of this type of machinery. To ensure that your plant runs smoothly and reliably, there are a few simple tips to follow.

Firstly, it is important to start with good preparation; check that all components are in good condition and any worn-out parts have been replaced.

Keep the mobile pyrolysis plant clean and free of any build-up of dust or debris which could interfere with its performance. Regularly inspect the pipes, hoses, and valves used in the pyrolysis process to maintain optimal efficiency and productivity.

Finally, perform routine maintenance at recommended intervals in order to prevent problems from arising due to prolonged use.

Beston Waste Plastic Pyrolysis Plant for Sale

Cost of owning and operating the plant

Owning and operating a plastic pyrolysis plant can be an expensive endeavor, but by taking the time to develop a comprehensive cost analysis prioritizing capital outlay and operational expenses, businesses can reduce their initial investment costs. Analyzing the total cost of owning and operating a plastic pyrolysis plant is the key to understanding which areas need more funding for optimal performance and efficiency; this ensures that resources are allocated in an effective manner. Additionally, it is paramount to consider the maintenance costs associated with running such a business as well as any applicable local laws or regulations that must be adhered to.

This machine has many applications: https://bestonasia.com/thermal-desorption-unit/.

If you are looking for an eco-friendly solution to plastic waste, a plastic pyrolysis plant may be the answer. This type of plant can help you to recycle plastic waste into fuel, which can then be used to power various types of machinery. Not only is this a great way to reduce the amount of plastic in landfills, but it also provides an environmentally friendly source of energy.

Setting Up a Waste Tyre Recycling Plant – Tyre Recycling Process

As the world becomes more and more environmentally conscious, so too does the need to find sustainable ways to dispose of our waste increase. One such way is through the recycling of waste tyres. While many people may be unaware of what this process entails, or even that it’s possible, tyre recycling plant is becoming more common across the globe. Here we’ll take a look at what goes into setting up and running one of these facilities, as well as some of the benefits it can bring.

Waste Tyre Recycling Machine

Waste Tyre Recycling Machine

What Goes Into the Tyre Recycling Process

Most people are aware of the importance of recycling, but many don’t know exactly what goes into the process. Tyre recycling is one example of how recycled materials can be used to create new products. Old tyres are collected and then shredded into small pieces. These pieces are then cleaned and mixed with other materials to create a variety of new products, including flooring, mailboxes, and even fitness equipment.

The benefits of tyre recycling are numerous. It helps to reduce the amount of waste in landfills, and it also provides a source of material for new products. In addition, tyre recycling helps to create jobs and generate revenue for businesses. As more people become aware of the benefits of tyre recycling, it is likely that even more innovative products will be created from this recycled material. More information on tyre pyrolysis plant here.

What To Consider When Starting a Tyre Recycling Plant

When it comes to starting a tyre recycling plant, there are a few things you need to take into account. First and foremost, you need to have a steady supply of tyres to recycle. You can source these from auto shops, tire dealers, or even scrapyards.

Once you have a steady supply of tyres, you need to decide on the best way to process them. There are a few different methods of recycling tyres, so you’ll need to do some research to figure out which one is best for your needs.

You also need to think about where you’re going to sell the recycled products. There’s a growing market for recycled tyres, so there should be plenty of potential customers out there. With careful planning and execution, starting a continuous waste tyre pyrolysis plant can be a profitable and rewarding business venture.

Fuel Oil

Fuel Oil

The Future of Tyre Recycling

Tyre recycling is an important part of waste management, as tyres can take up a significant amount of space in landfill sites. There are a number of ways to recycle tyres, including shredding them for use in rubber mulch or crumb rubber, or using them as fuel in cement kilns or power plants. The most common method of tyre recycling is pyrolysis, which involves breaking down the tyres into oil, gas and carbon black. These products can then be used to create new products such as asphalt and rubber. Pyrolysis is a highly efficient way of recycling tyres, and it is estimated that up to 90% of a tyre can be converted into usable products. As awareness of the importance of tyre recycling grows, it is likely that even more innovative methods will be developed in the future. Check the pyrolysis plant here.

The Lowest Pulp Molding Machine Price Available Today

Technology has made it possible for many businesses to accelerate the production of various types of products. If you sell different items, you may need to provide them with ample protection when delivering them to various locations. Whether you are a retailer that is providing goods to consumers, or a wholesaler doing the same, you need to protect the products that you are going to deliver. You can use paper pulp moulding machine that will use various types of recycled pulp material to produce a wide variety of molds that can protect your goods. Let’s discuss why this is important and how you can find these machines for very economical prices.

Ship BTF1-3 Egg Tray Machine to the Republic of the Congo in 2022

Ship BTF1-3 Egg Tray Machine to the Republic of the Congo in 2022

Why Paper Pulp Is So Important Today

When you produce items made from paper that can protect products you are selling, it is one of the best ways to make sure they arrive without any damage. For example, if you are selling any type of electronic items, you need to make sure that it is not damaged along the way. This could be physical damage to the outside of the product, or internal damage that could affect the electronic system. For those that are selling products like eggs that are extremely fragile, you also need to provide this type protection. That’s why these machines that use paper pulp are so valuable today. You can easily find companies that produce molding machines for this exact purpose. View some parts right now – https://bestonmachinery.com/industrial-packaging-machine/.

How Are The Molds Produced

The molds are made because of three specific components. First of all, you need to have a source of pulp that can be used in the system. Second, you need a heating system that can solidify everything to provide the protection. Third, you need to have a mold that these slurry of material can be poured into in order to create the protective outside covering. Larger machines are capable of producing thousands of units. You may not realize how easy this is to accomplish. That is because the vast majority of them are automated to some degree. Once you have the right molds, and a source of pulp that you can access on a daily basis, you can produce as many of these as you need for your business.

BTF4-4 Beston Automatic Pulp Molding Machine Installed in Russia

BTF4-4 Beston Automatic Pulp Molding Machine Installed in Russia

How To Find Manufacturers That Produce These Specific Machines

The manufacturers that produce machines that will create paper pulp products are numerous. Whether you are shopping locally, or if you decide to venture far outside of your immediate area, special deals are always waiting. Keep in mind that low prices may not be indicative of high quality products. However, in certain countries, the cost really does not matter. They are able to keep production costs at a minimum due to how much they are paying for the base materials and also laborers that will assist them during the manufacturing process. You can find these manufacturers locally, or by surfing online, until you locate a reliable business. View some options right now – https://bestonmachinery.com/egg-carton-machine/.

The use of paper pulp has become quite widespread. It is used in the construction of protective coverings for a wide variety of different items. If you are selling eggs, electronics, or any other item that needs to be protected, investing in one of these molding machines designed to use paper pulp will be a very wise investment for you and your business.

How Does A Pyrolysis Plant Actually Work?

Pyrolysis is a process of chemically decomposing waste tires, rubber, plastics, and other kinds of solid waste at elevated temperatures in the absence of oxygen to produce fuel oil. The process takes place in a plant and usually occurs under pressure and at temperatures above 430°C (800°F).

The use of pyrolysis to recycle waste materials such as plastics, rubber, and tires ensures that they don’t find their way to landfills and oceans, which helps protect the environment. People that invest in pyrolysis plants (qué es una planta de pirolisis), on the other hand, can get huge profits from the fuel oil they create.

Planta de Reciclaje de Neumáticos en Chile

Planta de Reciclaje de Neumáticos en Chile

How Does a Pyrolysis Plant Work?

The following is a brief description of how a pyrolysis plant works:

Stage 1: Pre-Treatment

Pre-treatment is the first step of the process that’s aimed at improving the working efficiency. It involves cutting and drying the raw materials into small pieces. It may also involve removing steel wires if you’re working with waste tires. You can get a higher oil yield rate if the water content of the raw material is below 20 percent.

Stage 2: Feeding

The next step is to feed the raw material into the pyrolysis plant (venta de planta de pirólisis de neumáticos). You can use either a manual or automatic system for this. A manual feeding system can save your initial investment cost to some extent, while an automatic feeding system is much more effective overall and will save you time and labor cost.

Stage 3: Heating

Heating the reactor gently burns the raw materials that you have fed into the pyrolysis plant. It is crucial to converting the raw material into combustible fuel. Once the reactor is hot enough, the superheated raw material separates into two. The heavier liquified oil drops into a tank below while the lighter gas rises up into the condensation tank above.

Stage 4: Purification

The non-condensable gas that’s produced as part of the pyrolysis process is then purified. It undergoes a deducting and desulfurization process, which generally involves water washing, activated carbon absorption, ceramic ring absorption, etc. Purification is important to avoid leaving any residue in the reactor and condenser, since it may affect the next batch’s production.

Stage 5: Discharging

The reactor must be first cooled down before the next batch of fuel oil is produced (Beston Group). However, this must be done safely to ensure that those who operate the system are not injured. Typically, a water-cooling system is used, which uses water from the purification process, thus making the discharging system safe, energy-saving, and pollution free.

Final Thoughts

Environmental protection is our collective obligation as human beings on this planet. One of the best ways we can protect our environment is through recycling. Unfortunately, some waste materials such as old tires, plastics, rubber, etc. aren’t particularly easy to recycle.

Fortunately, through pyrolysis, it is possible to recycle these previously ‘recyclable’ materials. If you want to play your role in environmental protection and still earn a profit doing it, you should seriously consider investing in a pyrolysis plant (https://www.bestoneco.com/planta-de-pirolisis-en-mexico/) today. It will be the best investment that you ever make.

The Rise in Popularity of the Mobile Biochar Machine

For most of us, the idea of turning garbage into something useful seems like a dream. But this dream has become reality in recent years with the rise in popularity of mobile biochar machines. Using these devices, organic waste can be converted into valuable and sustainable charcoal for use as fuel or fertilizer for gardens and farms.

Keep reading to learn how mobile biochar machine works, what benefits they offer, and why their usage is on the rise globally.

Mobile Biochar Machine

Overview of mobile biochar machines

Mobile biochar machines have quickly become a revolutionary technology for creating top-tier fertilizer. Unlike many traditional methods, these machines are highly mobile and made to be as easy-to-use as possible. With them, you can turn organic material into enriching fertilizer with exceptional efficiency.

The process begins with drying out the material, grinding it up into tiny particles, and then combusting it inside the machine itself. This creates a black and porous end product that adds essential trace elements like nitrogen and potassium to the soil for maximum plant growth potential. Furthermore, it is able to fight against global warming by sequestering carbon dioxide right where plants need it most–in their soil! With a mobile biochar production equipment, you will enjoy increased crop yields and an understanding of how clean energy really works.

Mobile Biochar Machine

Benefits of using mobile biochar machines

Utilizing biochar machines, in particular mobile ones, brings a range of benefits to farmers and environmentalists alike. Biochar is a type of charcoal that helps improve soil health and increase crop yields by improving fertility and providing essential nutrients. These mobile units are particularly useful for small-scale producers since it increases their biomass supply flexibility, enabling them to sell an additional product that was previously unavailable.

Because these mobile devices allow producers the option to make biochar on the spot, they don’t have to transport agricultural waste elsewhere. As a result, greenhouse gas emissions are reduced significantly and the money saved from fuel costs can be used to purchase additional vitamins and minerals for plants.

In addition, portable charcoal making machine are easier to use than traditional kilns with minimal setup time and fewer problems since only dry materials need to be processed. All in all, mobile biochar machines present a beneficial sustainability solution for farmers and the environment as whole.

Global usage of mobile biochar machines

Mobile biochar machines are quickly gaining traction as a way to create value from waste. With these powerful and mobile devices, organic material can be converted into valuable charcoal for use as fuel or fertilizer in gardens and farms. Not only is this process incredibly efficient, but it also offers environmental benefits like reduced emissions and carbon sequestration.

These machines are easy to use and cost effective for small scale producers. As more people become aware of its potential benefits, the uptake of mobile biochar machines is expected to continue rising globally. Hopefully, this sustainable technology will become commonplace and enable us to turn waste into something valuable.

Mobile biochar machines are a viable and sustainable solution for turning organic waste into charcoal fuel or fertilizer: https://www.bestongroup.com/charcoal-manufacturing-machine/. With its easy setup, affordability, and environmental benefits, it is no wonder that these machines have gained so much traction in recent years.

The Different Parts of a Continuous Pyrolysis Plant

Continuous pyrolysis plants are a new technology that is being used to convert biomass into biofuels. This type of plant has several different parts that work together to create a sustainable and efficient renewable energy source. In this blog post, you’ll learn about the different parts of a continuous pyrolysis plant and how they function.

How Does a Continuous Pyrolysis Plant Work

A continuous pyrolysis plant is a facility that thermally decomposes biomass in the absence of oxygen to produce biofuels and other useful products. The process of pyrolysis is used to break down organic materials, such as wood, into their smaller chemical constituents. This process can be used to generate a variety of renewable energy sources, including electricity, transportation fuels, and heat.

This type of plant differs from other pyrolysis plants in that it uses a continuous feed of biomass instead of batch processing. This allows for a more efficient process and less waste overall. There are three main parts to a continuous pyrolysis plant: the reactor, the condenser, and the gasifier.

Continuous Pyrolysis Plant Is Ready to Ship

Continuous Pyrolysis Plant Is Ready to Ship

The Reactor

The reactor is the heart of the continuous pyrolysis plant, where the biomass is converted into biofuels. There are two types of reactors that can be used in this process: the rotary kiln and the fluidized bed.

The rotary kiln is the most common type of reactor used in this type of plant. It consists of a large cylinder that is rotated to evenly distribute the biomass. As the biomass is heated, it breaks down into smaller molecules that are then condensed into a liquid.

The fluidized bed is another type of reactor that can be used. In this type of reactor, the biomass is suspended in a bed of air or steam. As it is heated, the biomass breaks down into smaller molecules and is condensed into a liquid. More information on tire pyrolysis plant here.

The Condenser

The condenser is used to cool the biofuels that are produced in the reactor. This is necessary to prevent the biofuels from evaporating. There are two types of condensers used in a continuous pyrolysis plant: the air-cooled and the water-cooled.

The air-cooled condenser is the most common type of condenser used. It consists of a large fan that blows air over the biofuels to cool them.

The water-cooled condenser is less common, but it is more efficient. It uses water to cool the biofuels instead of air.

The Gasifier

The gasifier is used to produce methane, which is a major component of natural gas. The gasifier works by breaking down the biomass into smaller molecules. These molecules are then condensed into a gas. The methane is then used to power the plant. Check the pyrolysis plant for sale here.

Continuous Pyrolysis Plant in Romania

Continuous Pyrolysis Plant in Romania

Benefits Of Using a Continuous Pyrolysis Plant

There are several benefits to using a continuous pyrolysis plant over other types of plants.

The first benefit is that it is more efficient. Continuous pyrolysis plants use less energy overall to produce the same amount of biofuels as batch processing plants. Over time, this can lead to significant cost savings.

The second benefit is that it produces less waste. Continuous pyrolysis plants produce a solid, liquid, and gas waste product. The solid and liquid waste can be used as a fertilizers or as animal feed. The gas waste can be used to power the plant.

This type of plant is more scalable as well. Continuous pyrolysis plants can be easily scaled up or down to meet the needs of the customer.

Lastly, it is easier to operate. Continuous pyrolysis plants are less complex overall and require less operator training. Get pyrolysis plant cost here.

Buying A Biomass Carbonization Machine

Are you planning to buy a biomass carbonization machine? Do you have any experience in this industry? Do you have a business plan? Have you decided on the specifications of the machine? Are you aware of some reputed manufacturers in this space?

Carbonization of waste biomass is a good business proposition but if you take a closer look at the industry, you would find that not all such plants are profitable. In fact, they start as a profitable business but soon lose their way due to some serious shortcomings in their business plan.

If you are planning to start this business, you need to pay special attention to the quality of the biomass carbonization machine as that is going to decide the success/failure of your business. In this blog post, we will explore some of the important factors you should consider when buying a biomass carbonization machine.

BBQ Charcoal

Begin by finalizing your specifications

The first step in your journey should be to prepare a business plan and the specifications of the machine should form a part of that business plan. In terms of technical specifications, you should decide on the processing capacity, fuel efficiency, type of fuel, type of raw material that can be processed in the portable biochar maker, stationary or portable, and other important things.

Finalizing the specifications before you start researching various options will help you make a fair comparison among alternatives.

Stationary or portable

These plants are sold in both configurations. Stationary plants tend to be much bigger than portable plants. Portable plants obviously have the advantage of being transferred from one place to another. If you can manage the logistics of transporting raw materials to be processed from several different locations to one central processing location, it is better to choose a stationary plant. On the other hand, a portable plant makes better sense if you want to process a lot of raw material that does not make financial sense to be transported to a central location.

More details: https://bestonasia.com/charcoal-production-machine/.

Focus on the manufacturer

A biomass carbonization machine is a technological marvel. Not every manufacturer has the capability to design a good quality machine that is capable of generating maximum yield at the lowest fuel consumption.

Also, not all designs comply with modern pollution laws. In short, you should choose a particular manufacturer with several years or decades of experience in designing and manufacturing these machines.

Durability of the machine

A carbonization machine requires a substantial investment. A good quality machine from Beston Group should last a decade with regular servicing & maintenance. Also, it won’t require as many repairs as a poorly designed machine. This is why you should focus specifically on the durability of the machine. The durability of the machine depends, to a large extent, on the quality of materials used for making various components as well as the design of the machine.

Beston Biochar Plant in Turkey

Final Thoughts

Overall, a biomass carbonization business is an excellent opportunity for smart entrepreneurs. However, the profitability or success of this business depends on the type of machine you choose for this business. This is why your focus should be on the long-term performance of the machine instead of just the initial price.

What You Need To Know About The Pulp Molding Machine

The Pulp Molding Machine is equipment that produces different packages such as coffee cup trays, fruit trays, egg cartons, coffee cup holders, shoe trays, egg trays, egg cartons, apple cartons, and more. Since these machines use water and waste paper as feedstock, it also goes by the name of a paper-molding machine. These machines offer an effective way to turn waste into useful resources. They also offer a way to invest in a business that can turn high profits.

Beston Pulp Molding Machine Engineers in Dominica

Paper Pulp Molding Process

Pulp molding production line is very similar when you compare it to the egg tray-making processes, which means it includes a comprehensive production line that includes a pulping process, a forming process, a drying process, and finally a packaging process.

The first part of the process involves mixing waste paper such as waste paper cartons, waste books, or old newspapers with water inside a hydraulic pulper. The suggested proportion or ratio is usually 4:1.

The second part of the process involves turning the mixture into a pulp, where the pulp is stored inside a pulp pool. In this pool, a vacuum pump will pump this pulp into an egg tray manufacturing unit. The pulp is formed by the molds before it goes into a transfer mold.

From here the pulp that is now in a molded form goes through a drying process. The drying processes include three approaches which include natural drying (in the sun), metal drying, and brick drying. Regardless of the drying option chosen, the drying process has to be thorough. Once completely dry, the trays will then be packed by hand or by a packaging machine.

What Is The Price Of A Paper Molding Machine?

If you are looking for a paper molding machine at the best price, it is important to gain an understanding of the factors that contribute to the price of these machines:


The higher-level configurations typically cost more. High capacity and high output will increase the overall price of the machine. For instance, plastic forming molds cost less than the metal molds, while the price of integrated pulping systems will differ from the traditional or more basic pulping systems. Another example of these differences in prices includes the four-side forming machine that will cost more when compared to the single-side forming machines. Here are detailed configurations for reference: https://pulpmouldingmachines.com/egg-tray-making-machine/manual/.

Pulp Molding Machine Installed in India

The drying system in a pulp molding machine will also affect the price. In different countries and places, the price of metal-drying systems and brick-drying systems will also differ due to the differences in labor and the price of bricks. If you are on a tight budget, and your business is located in one of the dry climates that offers enough heat, wind, and sunshine, a natural drying-system for small-scale production should be sufficient. But if you are running a larger operation it is usually a better approach to choose an egg tray machine for sale that comes with an integrated drying system.

In addition to the configuration, it is also important to factor in water, electricity, labor costs, your location, and more.

Essential carbonization equipment in Your Plant

Carbonization is a process of converting a material into carbon or a carbon-containing substance. It typically occurs at high temperatures, in the absence of oxygen. As the material heats up, it undergoes a series of chemical reactions that lead to the formation of new compounds, including carbon. The exact nature of the process depends on the composition of the material being carbonized. In some cases, the material may simply break down into its component parts, such as hydrogen and carbon. In other cases, more complex reactions may occur, leading to the formation of new compounds, such as methane or other hydrocarbons. Carbonization(hornos metálicos para hacer carbón) can be used to produce charcoal, activated carbon, and various other materials. It is also an essential step in the production of many metals and alloys.

Hornos metálicos para hacer carbón de Beston

Hornos Metálicos para Hacer Carbón

Types of carbon equipment

Here are some of the most common types of carbonization equipment(máquina para hacer carbón vegetal) from Beston:

1. Carbonization tank

The carbonization tank is an airtight chamber where the biomass is heated to high temperatures without providing even an iota of oxygen. This process drives off volatile compounds, leaving behind a charcoal product with higher carbon content. Tanks can be batch or continuous, and can be lined with refractory materials to protect against heat and corrosion.

2. Double cans

The double cans in the carbonization tank work by heating the refuse material to high temperatures in an oxygen-free environment. This process breaks down the organic matter in the refuse, leaving behind a tar-like substance. The double cans help to evenly distribute the heat, ensuring that the char is formed evenly and efficiently. In addition, they prevent fire hazards by containing the heat and preventing sparks from escaping. As a result, they are an essential component of any carbonization process(https://www.bestoneco.com/planta-de-carbonizacion/).

3. Single can

The single can is responsible for breaking down the feed materials into smaller parts so that it becomes easier to process them. It works in tandem with the double cans and ensures that there is no shortage of materials in the carbonization tank.

BST-05 Máquina para Fabricar Carbón

BST-05 Máquina para Fabricar Carbón

How to buy Beston carbonization equipment?

There are a few key things to keep in mind when purchasing Beston(máquina de reciclaje) carbonization equipment.

● It is important to consider the type of equipment that best suits your needs. There are a variety of carbonization systems from this brand, each with its own set of features and benefits.
● Once you have decided on the right system for your purposes, go through the features and the manual. Beston usually provides good deals and also has an excellent customer support team that can explain how to use the tools.
● Most pieces of equipment from Beston come with a long warranty. You should check out the average warranty period for each equipment you purchase. Since the brand has a reputable customer service team, you can expect to receive immediate help if anything goes wrong.