Reasons Why We Should Buy A Continuous Pyrolysis Plant

Large businesses and commercial operations everywhere benefit from owning pyrolysis plants. Collectively, they use these plants to recycle for profit all types of waste in a more eco-friendly manner. Take care of oil sludge, waste tires, plastic, rubber, and more. The reasons for purchasing a pyrolysis plant may already be clear to you, but why should you buy a used continuous pyrolysis plant for sale(planta pirolisis llantas)?

The benefits of the “continuous” models” will be clearly defined. These machines are heavy-duty and operate 24/7, so they are slightly more expensive. Therefore, if you buy a used continuous pyrolysis plant, you get a better machine for the same amount of money. With the large handling capacity of these machines, you will not have to worry about handling all the waste for your business or organization.

Pyrolysis Machine

The feeder for these machines is fully automatic, which saves you money in terms of manpower. No employee has to feed the machine, unlike with regular pyrolysis plants(maquina para pirolisis de plasticos). These machines have a reactor, which plays the central role in the pyrolysis process, but there are other integral parts to these plants as well. Continuous pyrolysis plants also have their own unique features.

One important part of the continuous pyrolysis plant is the shredder. This machine shreds waste tires down to bits. Additionally, when you operate a continuous pyrolysis plant, you are dealing with an alternatively stable reactor, not an older rotary version. Not only does your machine work faster and more efficiently, but this type of reactor is specifically better at more evenly distributing the heat.

The continuous pyrolysis machine saves on fuel, too. This is due to its superior efficiency compared to a standard pyrolysis machine. Additionally, you get the same waste gas recovery benefits you expect from any pyrolysis plant. Most of the gas from the reactor is going to be converted to oil. This pyrolysis oil is the meat of this expedition, or what’s most marketable; however, the pyrolysis process also produces carbon black and nets you the recycled steel. Additionally, you are able to turn the pyrolysis oil into diesel fuel or regular gasoline with an additional investment(Maquinaria de Beston).


Do not discount the carbon black when you are doing the books for the recycling department. It is highly marketable, and the waste tires produce quite a lot of it over time. With a used continuous pyrolysis plant, your company or organization is going to benefit from the extra perks. The traditional or standard pyrolysis machines are great, but they are less efficient than the continuous models are these days. The purchase of a used continuous pyrolysis machine just makes sense.

The simple fact that these pyrolysis plants( feed themselves and operate 24/7 is enough of a reason to look more closely at these specific models. The more efficient heating of the reactor, less manpower required, and the energy-saving costs are also certainly appreciated. Instead of thinking you are saving money by purchasing a brand new standard pyrolysis plant, look more closely at a used continuous pyrolysis plant instead.